Work at Auditless.png

❇️ We're building new protocol categories

We build protocols.

Having advised traditional financial institutions on strategy, we believe that smart contracts represent a more transparent, market-driven, engineering-led way of developing financial instruments. These properties are fundamental to achieve an accessible financial system that benefits everyone.

Protocol teams are at the key of this revolution, but they also carry a lot of responsibility. Since smart contracts are enshrined in bytes, security is sensitive to the correctness of the underlying code.

Our objective is to radically improve the performance of the protocol teams we work with given these constraints. We do this through strategic advisory and protocol implementation projects focused on high-impact, high-uncertainty and research-heavy problems.

The goal? Protocol development that's Auditless.

Auditless Overview Aera V2 Arch.001.png

Example work, Aera Finance – a trustless treasury management protocol, 2023. See full case study.

🧤 Open positions

<aside> ✨ December 2023: We're now actively hiring key people for long-term, full-time key roles. Join us at the very beginning of building an iconic company.

Diversity and inclusion: If you are a member of an underrepresented group in tech, we strongly encourage you to apply.

No open position for you? If you resonate with our mission and think your profile would be a great fit, send an email to [email protected] and pass along any information you believe is relevant.


Job Positions

✳️ How we work (🇭🇷🇱🇻🇵🇭🇬🇧)

Our ambition is to work on the most ambitious and exciting projects in crypto.

We earn the right to do that by delivering outstanding impact for each client, constantly improving our processes and expanding our knowledge as well as being great to work with. We are unique in our ability to look at every problem from three angles: strategic, product and technical.

We are thoughtful and performance-driven and always work backwards from client objectives. Once we know our lane, we move at speed to and aim to deliver innovative and unique solutions through diligent research and creative collaboration.

We are a remote team that aims to maximize the freedom, productivity and learning curve of each individual. We love asynchronous work and clear ownership. When we have meetings and off-sites, it's often to work directly with clients.

We aim to create a high leverage and resourceful organization. We notice small synergies in everything we do (e.g., opportunities for content creation in our research). We use tools to improve our leverage and we build systems that compound the value we can create.